Partner Search

Partner search

For expanding a regional, national or European network we will first look in our own network to see which partners can be of added value for the to-be-developed project consortium.

We will also make use of the different partner search possibilities that several grant programs offer for this purpose.


Network analysis

When an organization does not have its own network (chances) in view, we can help them map with partners are active in the region. We can also map the role and knowledge or experience they have to offer to the to-be-developed project consortium.




Uitbouw Internationaal Netwerk

Expanding international network

We support the expansion of the international network on organizational level. We make use of our own well-developed international network for this.


Wij ondersteunen bij het uitbreiden van het internationale netwerk, op organisatieniveau. Wij maken hiervoor gebruik van ons eigen uitgebreide internationale netwerk.